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March 2019

Glasses, a book and a pen for writing on

Content Creation VS Content Retention.

1920 1440 Oliver Kagwe

As a content creator, I believe that video is the future of communication. You can already see it. Over the past few years, there has suddenly occurred a need by social media companies to create…

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A Little Fish & Its Mother.

1599 1600 Oliver Kagwe

“I want you to take this cheque to a man called Murathe. Specifically to him. Make sure that it his hands that touch this envelop next from your. You will find him at Family bank…

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A Desperate Woman & A Man With A Steak.

810 540 Oliver Kagwe

One day, a desperate woman hastened to go home to her children. Everything in her mind was a buzz: moving in random directions and random speeds at random times. She was experiencing a mixture of…

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