

How Underrepresented Is Underrepresented?

2500 2500 Oliver Kagwe

The term “underrepresented communities” refers to groups of people who have historically been marginalised and are often given less visibility, opportunity, or representation in various aspects of society compared to other groups. This can include…

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16 Days Of Activism Against GBV

16 days of Activism: working on Gender Based Violence (GBV)

9000 6000 Oliver Kagwe

The 16 days of Activism ended 5 days ago, having started on 25th November this year. At Thellesi Trust, we have been working in partnership with UN Women on a project to sensitise people on…

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Universal Health Coverage

This is What UHC Means to Me

1707 2560 Oliver Kagwe

In my previous post on Universal Health Coverage, I had expressed my excitement about the initiative and also my concerns. Even as I had cautioned that we should be careful not to think of UHC…

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Are All Young People Millennials?

2560 1706 Oliver Kagwe

Just last week, I bumped into yet another millennial who said to me a sentence that had “ millennials…” in it, and I could not stop myself from marvelling at that. I marvelled because she…

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Birth Control

Why Birth Control Interventions In Africa Have Failed.

2560 1707 Oliver Kagwe

I am inclined think that the various attempts to normalise birth control in Africa have failed. I say this because over the last 30 years, huge investments have been made in Latin America, Africa and…

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