
Advice stories straight from my heart.

The Man JP Barely Breathes.

450 391 Oliver Kagwe

JP’s only prayer is that the government loosens its grip on his neck. He can barely breathe. He has not ever experienced what breathing without someone’s hand chocking his neck feels like. And note, it’s…

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Damn Your father!

348 348 Oliver Kagwe

Our fathers have ruined their daughters, who shall we marry? They are screwing them left, right and centre – even top and bottom – abomination! They are driving them around with expensive vehicles and gifting…

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Normal People Can Swim.

4608 3072 Oliver Kagwe

When they approached the tomb with the intention of anointing Christ’s body, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were bloody shocked to find the huge tomb stone rolled away. Just beside the stone, two unbelievable…

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The Face Of A People.

600 375 Oliver Kagwe

To understand the government is to understand what ails it. It is to allow ourselves to be able to treat this sickness and make it functional again. A good government equals a good life for…

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Of Myself & Ignorance.

696 459 Oliver Kagwe

Very old men say “..the youth are the future of this country.” Sometimes even the youth say and believe that they are the future of this nation, Kenya. That statement means that the youth are…

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