Thoughts & Musings

These thoughts are purely mine. They do not represent the people I work with in any capacity.

Few Things Last Forever.

860 550 Oliver Kagwe

Had he not looked in that direction, Oliver would never have know what the essence of life is. He was not sure whether he had seen a prettier girl in his life ever before. He…

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Glasses, a book and a pen for writing on

Content Creation VS Content Retention.

1920 1440 Oliver Kagwe

As a content creator, I believe that video is the future of communication. You can already see it. Over the past few years, there has suddenly occurred a need by social media companies to create…

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A Desperate Woman & A Man With A Steak.

810 540 Oliver Kagwe

One day, a desperate woman hastened to go home to her children. Everything in her mind was a buzz: moving in random directions and random speeds at random times. She was experiencing a mixture of…

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The Man JP Barely Breathes.

450 391 Oliver Kagwe

JP’s only prayer is that the government loosens its grip on his neck. He can barely breathe. He has not ever experienced what breathing without someone’s hand chocking his neck feels like. And note, it’s…

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Choose Your Country!

498 323 Oliver Kagwe

We agreed in my previous post that the 1st time people organised themselves so that they had a leader, they formed a government. From the African plains to Europe’s highlands, the dry East and the tropical South West,…

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