
Univeral Health Coverage

To Begin With, UHC Should Have Been A Discussion.

1080 1080 Oliver Kagwe

Last week, I buried one of my uncles who’s death followed many months of illness. I remember the worry on everyone’s eyes when he first fell sick. I remember how he was bounced around hospitals,…

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Greedy people are patient people, sometimes.

Greedy People Are Patient People, Sometimes.

2560 2164 Oliver Kagwe

Are poor people powerless because they are poor or are they poor because they are powerless? Also, areĀ  most rich people powerful because of their riches, or are they rich because they are powerful? Oliver…

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The Face Of A People.

600 375 Oliver Kagwe

To understand the government is to understand what ails it. It is to allow ourselves to be able to treat this sickness and make it functional again. A good government equals a good life for…

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