
Birth Control

Why Birth Control Interventions In Africa Have Failed.

2560 1707 Oliver Kagwe

I am inclined think that the various attempts to normalise birth control in Africa have failed. I say this because over the last 30 years, huge investments have been made in Latin America, Africa and…

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A Little Fish & Its Mother.

1599 1600 Oliver Kagwe

“I want you to take this cheque to a man called Murathe. Specifically to him. Make sure that it his hands that touch this envelop next from your. You will find him at Family bank…

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Mr. Pilsner Bottle

496 249 Oliver Kagwe

Mommy, Daddy, I do not know whether I write this for you, or for the reader who is a parent or an aspiring parent. I write it anyway. … I thank God for you, mom.…

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