Uhuru Kenyatta

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

There Is Nothing Casual About COVID-19

426 118 Oliver Kagwe

I won’t lie, I am frightened. I am frightened because Kenya now has 4 confirmed cases of COVID-19. I am more frightened because I do not know how many more people have contracted it that…

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President Of Kenya H.E Uhuru Kenyatta gulping his favourite drink, beer.

What’s Behind The Image?

739 415 Oliver Kagwe

Does Uhuru Kenyatta fart in his blankets? Does he make it worse by sniffing around as if hoping that this time it’ll smell like citronella? I know he’s the president but, si he is a…

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The Man JP Barely Breathes.

450 391 Oliver Kagwe

JP’s only prayer is that the government loosens its grip on his neck. He can barely breathe. He has not ever experienced what breathing without someone’s hand chocking his neck feels like. And note, it’s…

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