Monthly Archives :

December 2020


2021, It’s Time!

1706 2560 Oliver Kagwe

Will there be fireworks at midnight tonight? Whom will they mesmerise, seeing that we have a 10PM curfew? Or perhaps I misjudge. They do not explode fireworks to mesmerise us – they explode fireworks to…

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It's not always about feeling loved.

It’s Not Always About Feeling Loved.

2560 1707 Oliver Kagwe

There are those moments in our lives when our heads feel like a vacated house. Empty and quiet. Moments when we feel alone, as if we wandered into the Kalahari and have now lost all…

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Leaders Are Not Necessarily Gurus.

Leaders Are Not Necessarily Gurus.

1920 1280 Oliver Kagwe

Being very good at something does not make you a leader. Not being very good at something does not mean you cannot be a leader. I am of the opinion that leadership is not dependent…

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Before It Sets You Free, Life Beats You Up.

Before Life Sets You Free, It Beats You Up.

2560 1707 Oliver Kagwe

Before it sets you free, life beats you up. It spits on you, curses you and drags you on the dirt. Before it exalts you, it crushes your spirit and breaks your faith. It deems…

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