
Advice stories straight from my heart.

Human being

Before Anything Else, We Are Human Beings.

1920 1278 Oliver Kagwe

I have never really been a fan the alphabet people. For a long time, I have considered them an immoral, weird and unfit crop of human beings who would much rather live on their own…

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Please Stop Beating Our Moms.

2560 1440 Oliver Kagwe

I wish you were there those nights, because you would have a better understanding of what I am about to write. You would have looked at her face and wouldn’t have stopped there. You would…

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Leaders Are Not Necessarily Gurus.

Leaders Are Not Necessarily Gurus.

1920 1280 Oliver Kagwe

Being very good at something does not make you a leader. Not being very good at something does not mean you cannot be a leader. I am of the opinion that leadership is not dependent…

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Ignore The pressure, It Is Okay.

1708 2560 Oliver Kagwe

Is it wrong to feel sad because of this Corona Virus disease 2019 (COVID-19)? Is it unacceptable to be out of sorts because there are lock-downs and curfews and uncommon restrictions on how one interacts…

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Holding A Fart Is Harder Than Releasing It – Always Remember!

1920 1566 Oliver Kagwe

I bet you do not remember the shock on your face when you let out your first fart. You either found it disgusting, or fun, depending on the social class you were born into. Truth…

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