People have a lot to say about Gen Z. Most of it is not flattering. But you have heard that already, so I’ll skip the list of slanders. Instead, I want to talk about why…
read more 2560 1709 Oliver Kagwe Oliver Kagwe
As I begin to write this blog post, my mind feels like a kids playing ground and a market place during market day and the White House during a crisis and like a ship caught…
read more 2560 1707 Oliver Kagwe Oliver Kagwe
The new year is upon us, just like all previous new years. Most people spend this time in more or less the same way – in keshas, in clubs, at home with grandparents, on holiday…
read more 2560 1707 Oliver Kagwe Oliver Kagwe
This is what we do every single moment of our lives. It all starts with ourselves, then with others. When you wake up in the morning, leaving the warm, cozy sheets for the harsh chaotic…
read more 1902 2560 Oliver Kagwe Oliver Kagwe
The following poem is not of my own creation. I however wish to share it as I found it to be profound and meaningful to my life (and certainly yours). Contemplate upon its words, and…
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