Serious Stuff

Thoughts, Ideas, Understanding.

Where Does Allegiance Lie?

540 375 Oliver Kagwe

I saw a post by a friend of mine that had me thinking more than I should have. The post went like: …Growing up means realising a lot of your friends aren’t really your friends… It then…

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My Idea Of Leadership.

6016 4000 Oliver Kagwe

To be in a position of leadership is to be in between a rock and a hard place. It is making choices, be they good or bad, and accepting to own the blame and be…

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768 768 Oliver Kagwe

Mike Sonko is living the dreams of some of us. I mean it. See what you sit down and imagine you will own when you grow up, well, Sonko already owns it. During the weekend,…

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Money, Religion & Health #1

1920 1280 Oliver Kagwe

If you are among those people who say that money is not equal to happiness, please move on to my other posts because I am just about to seriously offend you. I got myself into…

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Celebrate Yourself, You Are Amazing!

4608 3456 Oliver Kagwe

18th July 2018 was like no ordinary day in my life. It was different in all its aspects. Just last week, I finally joined the 20s band wagon after what seemed to be an eternity…

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