Serious Stuff

Thoughts, Ideas, Understanding.

A Degree? A Mentor? – Which Is Best?

800 400 Oliver Kagwe

What’s the difference between; Susan who completes high school and joins Nairobi University and graduates with a bachelors degree in ABC, and Oliver who finishes high school and goes straight into mentorship? Well, Susan is…

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309 355 Oliver Kagwe

Politics is not my thing, but I know at least one thing – Kenyan politicians are, well, shitbags! Forgive me for insulting someones mother, father or spouse, but I refrained myself from using harsher words.…

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A Street Lamp

600 375 Oliver Kagwe

Have you heard of smart cities? Do you know what they are? Or how they work? Or what makes them smart? If you have, ever imagined our Kenyan cities transforming from what they are to…

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Non-Issue – #1

620 349 Oliver Kagwe

This is one of those weird blogs that you will ever come across. Trust me. And for anyone who I might offend here, please let your eyes read no more at this moment. Please note…

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10th Most Dangerous City In Africa – #1

367 280 Oliver Kagwe

Dark pregnant clouds hung lowly as the once calm breezes turn into frenzied winds. I watch as carelessly littered papers swirl in the twisting dust devils, high and higher up the dark sky they go.…

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