My Thoughts

Africa Rising

Africa Rising Is Now A Wake Up Call

2560 1702 Oliver Kagwe

For a moment, I thought of writing this piece as a letter before sending it over to you. Then, I remembered that it might mean interacting with that pre-historic government agency so I quickly abandoned the idea. So please bear with me by settling for a blog post, it is what people do in these…

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Univeral Health Coverage

To Begin With, UHC Should Have Been A Discussion.

1080 1080 Oliver Kagwe

Last week, I buried one of my uncles who’s death followed many months of illness. I remember the worry on everyone’s eyes when he first fell sick. I remember how he was bounced around hospitals, the momentum only stopping when we got him seen by a certain doctor who is our long-time family friend. He…

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A Blog Post From A Youth to Post-Youth People.

1707 2560 Oliver Kagwe

Perhaps it was not so different for older generations, but being youth now is just about the hardest thing one can be. Whether or not one decides to be focused or ignorant, they still end up laying in bed really frustrated about their lives. And the frustration is mostly because no ones seems to understand…

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Donors and their self interests.

What Are The Self Interests Of Donors?

1920 1483 Oliver Kagwe

It is accepted knowledge that every human being is driven by their self interests. This being the case, then, I wonder; what are the real self interests of Non-profit organisations? I understand what they have made us understand – that they are very concerned about people’s well being so much so that they have dedicated…

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The Paradox Of Being Too Good.

2560 1828 Oliver Kagwe

I don’t suppose that there is any problem with being too good at something. Being an expert. In fact, you will always find me saying things like “do something to the best of your ability.” And one may live for a thousand years and never quite reach the best of their capability. Because one cannot…

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1920 1079 Oliver Kagwe

If you cannot share your emotion, If you cannot share in emotion, If you cannot express your affection, And be seen to endure affliction, If you cannot say your idea, If you have to be “from this area”, If your honesty does not matter, And the truth does not matter, If your falsities have you…

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The Relationship Between Value & Evil

2560 1438 Oliver Kagwe

About a week ago, I asked the following question on my WhatsApp status: Are human beings inherently good or are they inherently evil? The responses I got had me concerned. Someone said “Inherently Evil! No good exists in us.” They went on to quote me a verse from Genesis 8:21, where the Lord said, “the imagination…

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Human being

Before Anything Else, We Are Human Beings.

1920 1278 Oliver Kagwe

I have never really been a fan the alphabet people. For a long time, I have considered them an immoral, weird and unfit crop of human beings who would much rather live on their own planet than mingle with us – the straight, ‘natural’ and ‘morally upright’ ones. Even now as I write this blog, I…

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Please Stop Beating Our Moms.

2560 1440 Oliver Kagwe

I wish you were there those nights, because you would have a better understanding of what I am about to write. You would have looked at her face and wouldn’t have stopped there. You would have looked into her eyes and still, you wouldn’t have stopped there. You would have stared into the depths of…

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2021, It’s Time!

1706 2560 Oliver Kagwe

Will there be fireworks at midnight tonight? Whom will they mesmerise, seeing that we have a 10PM curfew? Or perhaps I misjudge. They do not explode fireworks to mesmerise us – they explode fireworks to represent something. What will they be representing this year? A change in time? The joy of finally coming to the…

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