
Of Myself & Ignorance.

696 459 Oliver Kagwe

Very old men say “..the youth are the future of this country.” Sometimes even the youth say and believe that they are the future of this nation, Kenya. That statement means that the youth are…

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Where Does Allegiance Lie?

540 375 Oliver Kagwe

I saw a post by a friend of mine that had me thinking more than I should have. The post went like: …Growing up means realising a lot of your friends aren’t really your friends… It then…

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Money, Religion & Health #1

1920 1280 Oliver Kagwe

If you are among those people who say that money is not equal to happiness, please move on to my other posts because I am just about to seriously offend you. I got myself into…

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309 355 Oliver Kagwe

Politics is not my thing, but I know at least one thing – Kenyan politicians are, well, shitbags! Forgive me for insulting someones mother, father or spouse, but I refrained myself from using harsher words.…

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Non-Issue – #1

620 349 Oliver Kagwe

This is one of those weird blogs that you will ever come across. Trust me. And for anyone who I might offend here, please let your eyes read no more at this moment. Please note…

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