
Of Myself & Ignorance.

696 459 Oliver Kagwe

Very old men say “..the youth are the future of this country.” Sometimes even the youth say and believe that they are the future of this nation, Kenya. That statement means that the youth are…

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Where Does Allegiance Lie?

540 375 Oliver Kagwe

I saw a post by a friend of mine that had me thinking more than I should have. The post went like: …Growing up means realising a lot of your friends aren’t really your friends… It then…

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Johnny Doesn’t Care.

420 546 Oliver Kagwe

Late this evening, my friend (Stalone) and I decided not to take a boda boda from Statehouse Road to Tao, and instead, we walked. We had managed to convince ourselves that it was unhealthy to…

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My Idea Of Leadership.

6016 4000 Oliver Kagwe

To be in a position of leadership is to be in between a rock and a hard place. It is making choices, be they good or bad, and accepting to own the blame and be…

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768 768 Oliver Kagwe

Mike Sonko is living the dreams of some of us. I mean it. See what you sit down and imagine you will own when you grow up, well, Sonko already owns it. During the weekend,…

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