My Thoughts

Let Us Not Forget The 80s, 90s & Early 2000s.

1280 720 Oliver Kagwe

The air they breathed was contaminated with sadness and death. The environment was littered with desperation and confusion. And the sky? Well it was was pregnant with disease and it poured down on them fear. Word had spread like wildfire. A mystery murrain was here, and it was not only terrifying but also terminal! Some…

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Men Must Talk.

1024 1280 Oliver Kagwe

It was a Glenlivet 15 that Joe (not his real name) liked to have when he felt the way he was feeling today. He had concluded that it was the only drink that understood him, met his needs and provided him a shoulder to cry on. Not that he cried though, because men don’t cry.…

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Few Things Last Forever.

860 550 Oliver Kagwe

Had he not looked in that direction, Oliver would never have know what the essence of life is. He was not sure whether he had seen a prettier girl in his life ever before. He wasn’t even sure whether he had seen a girl before in his life (apologies, he often doesn’t know how say…

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You Know What, Fuck It!

1024 683 Oliver Kagwe

He said my blog was down, that it bores him when he has to come here looking for beautiful new stories then he has to bear the disappointment of finding none. He emphasised that consistency is very important if I am to make my blog a success. He continued to say that when people come…

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Does Your Wallet Make You Happy?

1000 1000 Oliver Kagwe

On a little stool near the glass table lies a brown wallet. It was bought one random evening on a street in South B at 9PM in the night. Oliver assumes that the Maasai who he bought it from had walked all the way from Kajiado to South B (72.6 km) just to sell it…

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Don’t Gaze At Ceilings, It’s A Trap!

225 225 Oliver Kagwe

A little SQ somewhere in South B is a cremation chamber. Global warming has decided to warm this tiny overpriced structure a little bit more than anywhere else. It is very quiet, this place. A silence that has a dullness in it. But is there anything as complete silence? Is there not always a noise…

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Glasses, a book and a pen for writing on

Content Creation VS Content Retention.

1920 1440 Oliver Kagwe

As a content creator, I believe that video is the future of communication. You can already see it. Over the past few years, there has suddenly occurred a need by social media companies to create live statuses and live streaming. WhatsApp brought to us WhatsApp status – which is essentially a place you can not…

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A Little Fish & Its Mother.

1599 1600 Oliver Kagwe

“I want you to take this cheque to a man called Murathe. Specifically to him. Make sure that it his hands that touch this envelop next from your. You will find him at Family bank Kenyatta Avenue. Is it clear?” Instructed a big man in a pure cotton shirt that was definitely not from a…

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A Desperate Woman & A Man With A Steak.

810 540 Oliver Kagwe

One day, a desperate woman hastened to go home to her children. Everything in her mind was a buzz: moving in random directions and random speeds at random times. She was experiencing a mixture of feelings; impatience, fear, regret, hopelessness, a bit of hope, determination, resentment and many other confused feelings. She had to get…

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